Aims Creation

How to convert image to text using OCR?

Yes, it is possible. We can extract text from images with the help of Tesseract OCR library. Let’s start how can we do this? Below code extract text from the above images: Output: “Word count writing mistakes plagiarism Check Now” Firstly we need to add Tesseract-OCR library in our system. Create a new Python file …

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Python String functions

Len Function Len function used to count character in string. mystring = “Hello World” print(len(mystring)) Output: 11 Lower function Lower function used to convert string in lower case. mystring = “Hello World” print(mystring lower()) Output: hello word   Upper function Upper  function used to convert string in upper case. mystring = “Hello World” print(mystring.upper()) Output: HELLO WORLD Find …

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