
Svelte components

What is the Svelete components

Components are the mail parts of svelete. We need to use .svelete extension in the file name. Components contain three sections, script, markup and style. 1: Script: Script tag contains javascript, it will run when component is initiated. We can define variables and access props on the top. To access the props we use “export”. …

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Wordpress event plugin

Best event calendar plugin in wordpress

There were several popular event plugins for WordPress, Here the few listing of popuplar plugin The Events Calendar: This is one of the most popular event calendar plugins for WordPress. It offers a clean and user-friendly interface, various views (month, day, list), and customization options. Download Event Organiser: Event Organiser is another robust plugin with …

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Wordpress backup plugin

Best 10 wordpress backup plugin

UpdraftPlus: UpdraftPlus is one of the most widely used backup plugins for WordPress. It allows you to schedule automatic backups, store them on cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3, and easily restore your website when needed. Download Link BackupBuddy: BackupBuddy is a comprehensive backup plugin that offers both manual and scheduled backups. …

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Best ecommerce plugin

Best e-commerce plugin in the wordpress

When it comes to choosing the best e-commerce plugin for WordPress, there are several popular options available. Each plugin has its own unique features and strengths. Here are some of the top e-commerce plugins for WordPress: WooCommerce: WooCommerce is the most widely used e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It offers a comprehensive set of features, such …

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Best Wordpress SEO plugins

Best WordPress SEO plugins in 2023

If you have a WordPress website, you’re probably aware of the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your site’s visibility in search engine results. WordPress offers a wide range of plugins that can help you optimize your website for better search engine rankings. In this article, we will explore the best WordPress SEO …

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Vue JS lifecycle

Lifecycle methods of Vue JS framework

Introduction Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. One of the key features of Vue.js is its lifecycle hooks, which provide developers with the ability to execute code at specific stages during the lifespan of a Vue component. In this article, we will explore the Vue.js …

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Javascript logging

Best Logging library in the Node JS

What is Logging? It helps developers identify and diagnose issues or bugs in their code by providing a detailed record of what happened during program execution. By analyzing log messages, developers can trace the flow of execution, pinpoint the source of errors, and understand the sequence of events leading up to a problem. Logging typically …

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What is data science

What is Data Science?

Use some scientific data skills to help us create decision-making data. We can apply various scientific skills to data, such as: Data visualization, data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning are all aspects of data science. Data Science is the term used to describe the combination of all of these skills. Understanding of different techniques: …

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Best free newsletter plugins for WordPress

Free Newsletter plugin is a vital tool that is used in a variety of blogs and businesses to advance to the next level. We have the ability to send valuable information to their subscribers. Visitors to your website can subscribe to an email newsletter. Users who have subscribed can easily receive information about new products, promotional offers, coupon codes, and new articles. Email marketing is the most effective method of communicating with customers.

Object Detection algorithms

Best Object Detection algorithm (Fast, Faster, RCNN, Yolo)

Object detection is a computer vision technique in which we identify the object and the location of that object in image or video. It is an important part of machine learning and deep learning. In object detection we will learn machine so it will identify the element of an image, like a human.