
Ecommerce framework or plugins

Best 5 Plugins or framework for creating e-commerce website in Php

OpenCart OpenCart is free and open source e-commerce platform. It is built in Php language. It is very easy to start and run. Opencart provide various free and paid themes and modules. Almost all known payment gateway and shipping methods integrated. It provides great way to get community support. You can download latest version from …

Best 5 Plugins or framework for creating e-commerce website in Php Read More »

Image Thresholding in OpenCV

There are various type of thresholding. We will discuss one by one: Simple Thresholding If pixel value less then threshold value then it is assigned one value else we will assign another value. For thresholding we will use cv2.threshold function. In this function we will pass four parameters: 1: Source image: Source image should be …

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NumPy Math functions

Addition of NumPy array import numpy as np n1 = np.array([10, 20])n2 = np.array([30, 40]) np.sum([n1, n2])Output = 100 We can also add only column or row using axis parameter. np.sum([n1, n2], axis = 0)Output: array([30, 40]) np.sum([n1, n2], axis = 1)Output: array([30, 70]) How to calculate Mean of numPy array? import numpy as npn1 …

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OpenCV magical code – Hidden Bottle

import cv2import numpy as npcap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)while (1): # Take each frame _, frame = # Convert BGR to HSV hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # define range of blue color in HSV lower_blue = np.array([90, 50, 70]) upper_blue = np.array([128, 255, 255]) # Threshold the HSV image to get only blue colors mask = …

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